Epiphany Healthcare Blog

Honor Healthcare Workers in May

Written by Shannon Richter | April 29, 2020 at 6:05 PM

With today’s COVID-19 challenges, our hospitals are working hard to protect lives. What better time to have a month of celebration? 

May has specific dates to recognize hospitals and nurses for keeping us healthy. May is home to National Hospital Week, National Nurses Week, and National Nurses Month

National Hospital Week May 10-16, 2020

National Hospital Week is May 10-16, 2020 and it recognizes hospitals for their services. It’s a time when the country, together as one, celebrates the hope and healing that our hospitals provide for us.

Hospitals play such an important role in our communities. Now, more than ever, we are so proud of them. This week, let’s make sure our hospital staffs feel the love. Think of unique ways, even during this pandemic, to show our support to hospital workers. 

For example, in this video Staten Islanders show appreciation to hospital staff. 

Another example is this video that shows New Yorkers cheering for medical professionals. Positive moments like these shine a bright light during this dark time.

We can show our appreciation to hospital staff by using #MyHospital on social media. Download this template and highlight something special about your hospital. Join us in showing our hospitals how much we appreciate them. You can share how your hospital has helped you or write well wishes to healthcare workers. Remember to share on social media with the hashtag #MyHospital. 

National Nurses Week May 6-12, 2020

Nurses care for patients, advocate for patients, and provide hope for patients. They do all this and make it look easy. Not just anyone can do what they do. It takes a special, strong, smart, and caring person to fill the shoes of a nurse. 

During this pandemic, nurses are making personal sacrifices for the health of others. National Nurses Week allows us to recognize them and show our overwhelming gratitude. Here are some special dates during National Nurses Week.


May 6 – National Nurses Day

May 8 – National Student Nurse Day

May 12 – International Nurses Day                                                               

National Nurses Month – May 1-31, 2020

There is so much to celebrate about these healthcare heroes that National Nurses Week is now the entire month of May. Each week of May has its own theme.

Week 1 – Self Care

This week focuses on mindful self-recognition, including emotional and physical well-being. Challenge yourself to engage in healthier activities. 

Week 2 – Recognition

Make a point to raise the visibility of the important work nurses do. Honor the nurses in your community. Nominate a nurse for the DAISY Award that honors extraordinary nurses.

Week 3 – Professional Development

Nurses can focus on how to excel and lead in their nursing careers and inspire others to do the same. 

Week 4 – Community Engagement

Help promote nurses’ invaluable contributions by engaging with your community. Consider using these hashtags. #nationalnursesweek, #nationalnursesday, #nationalstudentnurseday, #internationalnursesday

During May, join us in honoring our healthcare workers. Epiphany Healthcare understands the important role that healthcare workers play in healthcare systems. We want to take this opportunity to thank them for their service. Our goal is to use our technology and services to improve patient care, as nurses around the world do every day. Thank you for your selfless service, healthcare workers.