Frequently Asked Questions

About Epiphany Healthcare 

Does Cardio Server have 510(k) FDA registration?
Yes, Cardio Server received its 510(k) registration as a Class ll device in November, 2005. A copy of the registration is available upon request.

Can a software-only application for ECG management receive a 510(k) from the FDA?
Yes, the first sentence of Cardio Server's 510(k) registration states that it is available as a software-only application.

How long has Cardio Server been in clinical use?
Cardio Server was first deployed for use at Duke University in 2001.

How many employees does Epiphany have?
Our staff numbers over 75 and growing.

Does Epiphany own the license to Cardio Server?

Common Misconceptions

Is it true that one company's resting-ECG algorithm is somehow superior to another company's algorithm?
We discuss computerized-ECG findings with physicians every day. The one question that we always ask is, “How often do you agree with the interpretative statements coming from the cardiographs?” We of course hear the occasional extremes, “never” or “95% of the time.” The most common answer, however, regardless of the cart manufacturer is, “60 to 75% of the time we agree with the computerized interpretation.”

When you transfer ECGs with interpretations from a cardiograph to Cardio Server, the original statements and measurements pass through to Cardio Server without modification. If you like your current algorithm you will still see the same data.

Is it true that transferring from carts to an ECG management system other than that of the cart manufacturer will void your cart warranty?
No. Epiphany has many sites with carts transferring to Cardio Server without voiding the warranty.

Can Cardio Server accept wireless transfer from MAC 5000/5500 cardiographs?
Yes, we have hundreds of GE carts transmitting ECGs wirelessly to Cardio Server.

Can I purchase Silex, wireless modems for my MAC carts from Epiphany?
Yes, the Silex modems come with instructions for installation by Biomed, telephone support, and the original Silex warranty.

Why do the competitors say that Epiphany is either going out of business or going to get acquired?
We have heard a variety of rumors and misinformation over the last ten years. This can happen when you displace older, staid companies in a monopolized market niche. We believe that robust competition benefits the end users with more features at better prices. We are growing, business is strong, and our customers are benefiting.

How does Epiphany import device data?
Most of our modality imports have both alpha/numeric feeds and waveform-PDFs. Supported formats include DICOM, XML, HL7, and PDF. When we receive the alpha/numeric data, we post it into editable fields. This is so much more than simply taking a PDF in for storage.

When we get only a PDF, we are doing much more to support our customers. Our PDF Import Tool allows the importation of any PDF to Cardio Server where we create a new modality in the database and populate all demographics with an ADT or orders feed. Our tool provides you flexible workflow including a cover page for physician interpretation, forms, acronyms, electronic signature, HL7 messaging into the EMR, automated messenger functions, and administrative reporting.

Other Inquiries 

Have a question not answered by our FAQ? Contact us. We will respond to your inquiry as soon as possible.